Page 25 - NCPC_USPTO_GO FOR REAL Dupe Detector Kit
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Talk to Your Kids about Counterfeit Goods: FAKES Cause REAL Harm

               he United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Crime Prevention Council
              (NCPC) have uncovered new disturbing data that show teens—for their own health and safety—need
        more education on the negative impact of purchasing counterfeits and on the importance of buying safe
        products. According to research conducted for the USPTO and NCPC by the international research firm
        Ipsos, 81 percent of teens believe that counterfeits can start fires and harm health, but less than 20
        percent care enough to change their buying behaviors. These are considerable numbers when you take
        into account counterfeit goods cost U.S. businesses hundreds of billions of dollars per year.

                    Ask your kids to take the #GoForRealChallenge to see if they know

                                      what's inside counterfeits.

        A key focus of the United States Patent and Trademark Office is promoting the importance of making smart
        buying decisions and avoiding fake-branded products. Commissioner for Trademarks David Gooder
        commented, “I encourage parents to take the Go For Real Website Challenge with their children.
        It’s a great way to build awareness and have a conversation about something useful that will help children
        protect their own lives and future creativity.”

        NCPC and the USPTO have created the GO FOR REAL Challenge along with radio ads, digital media
        content and other tools that you can use with your kids and their friends to discuss this important national
        media campaign, entitled Go For Real. This public education campaign serves to raise awareness about
        the dangers of counterfeit goods among youth as well as parents and teachers who, once informed, serve
        as powerful influencers. With your help, kids and teens will develop safe buying behaviors and avoid
        purchasing inferior goods that can cause serious harm to their wallets and their health.

                                          The Go For Real Anti-Counterfeiting Campaign targets the
                                          following vertical markets:
                                              Sports equipment
                                              Cosmetics/personal care products

        Please help us shed light on this real problem by educating your kids about counterfeit goods. Join with
        the USPTO and the National Crime Prevention Council’s McGruff the Crime Dog® in urging your kids and
        their friends to GO FOR REAL. For more information on ways to bring awareness into your home, visit and trademark/anti-counterfeiting-campaign.

        Thank you for your kind consideration. Together, we can Take A Bite Out Of Crime®.

                     Best regards,
                     McGruff the Crime Dog®
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