Page 22 - NCPC_USPTO_GO FOR REAL Dupe Detector Kit
P. 22

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                           Go For Real Dupe Detector Quiz answer key at

                                         ____ ____
                        An unusually                           on a product
                                                                                 low price       odd name
                        that normally costs more is a RED FLAG it
                        might be counterfeit.
                                                                                bright color   slow delivery

                                                   ____                            shiny          peeling
                        Sloppy lines, spelling mistakes, unwrapped
                        items, stretched logos,              stickers, serial
                        numbers with the wrong number of digits,
                        or other MISTAKES on a product's
                        packaging may indicate it's fake.

                        While some real products are                             substance
                        manufactured OVERSEAS, a product
                        made in a foreign              might be                   country            car

                                ____ ____                                        corny joke      good price
                        If the website you're shopping on shows
                        only a                           instead of a photo of
                        the actual product you're looking for
                                                                                   video        stock photo
                        purchase, it might be a DUPE.

                                                    ____                           resold        returned
                        If a product is sold "as is," comes without a
                        warranty, or cannot be             , there's a
                        strong chance that it's a COUNTERFEIT.
                                                                                  regifted          held
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