Page 20 - NCPC_USPTO_GO FOR REAL Dupe Detector Kit
P. 20

Criminals sometimes go so overboard to             Counterfeiting is not a victimless crime.
              get someone's attention that it just may           Fakes can threaten the health and safety
              come off as suspicious. They might act             of consumers, hurt the economy, and
              overly friendly, lie in order to form an           help fund other criminal activities such
              artificial bond with their victims, or offer       as the trafficking of guns, drugs, and
              something --like a good deal -- they               people.
              know the average person wouldn't be
              able to resist.                                    The next time someone offers you a deal
                                                                 that seems like it's too good to be true, it
              Counterfeiting criminals offer fake                probably is. Use your instincts and the
              versions of legitimate products. They              Dupe Detector skills you pick up in this
              market these counterfeits at prices that           Kit to determine whether the product
              oftentimes are unusually low because               offered is real or fake. Ask yourself, "Does
              they want shoppers to think they are               it seem too good to be true?"
              getting a good bargain on a real product.
              What their victims get instead is a cheap          If the answer is, "Yes," it probably is.
              imitation that could put their health or
              safety at risk.                                    Don't fall for fake products. Go For Real.
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