Page 8 - Toolkit Updated 1.14
P. 8

The 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS),                  Still, these numbers remain too high and more can
                   conducted by FDA and the Centers for Disease                    and needs to be done to accelerate the decline in
                   Prevention and Control (CDC), showed a decline in               underage use of all tobacco products, including
                   underage use of vapor products. In 2019, 28% of high            vapor. In addition to raising public awareness on
                   school students and 11% of middle school students               the issues of black-market vapor products,
                   used vapor products. In 2020, 19.6% of high school              dismantling the illicit trade is critical to ensure
                   students and 4.7% middle school students used vapor             tobacco-control measures are not undermined, as
                   products. This amounted to 1.8 million fewer high               well as to protect adult consumers from the
                   school and middle school students using vapor                   additional health and safety risks posed by such
                   products in 2020 compared to 2019.                              products.

                             Campaigns such as FDA’s The Real Cost and
                                                                                                  V a p i n g   A d d i c t i o n   I s n ’ t   P r e t t y   |   B a t h r o o m   |
                                                                                                  T h e   R e a l   C o s t   C a m p a i g n
                             the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH)
                                                                                                  h t t p s : / / y o u t u . b e / N v h z m - O e T J 8
                             Smokefree Teen are resources for educational

                             materials that help raise awareness among
                             minors about the dangers of vaping.
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