Take advantage of free resources to help make America’s schools safer.
School Safety and Security Toolkit: A Guide for Parents, Schools and Communities
This toolkit provides the guidelines and tool needed identify and address school safety and security issues. It has also been revised to include tips for engaging parents and other stakeholders in your school safety efforts.
Be Safe and Sound in School: A Guide to Best Practices
This case study guide provides specific examples and strategies used to implement the Be Safe and Sound in School program and improve overall school safety efforts.
Caregivers’ Guide to School Safety and Security
This pamphlet calls parents to act to improve school safety and security, outlines four specific ways they can get involved, and provides the tools needed to get started. Available in PDF.
Tipsheets: Stopping School Violence
These tipsheets give ideas on how parents, students, teachers, law enforcement, principals, and the rest of us can stop school violence.
School Safety and Security Newsletter
This resource for professionals and parents concerned about school safety and security includes best practices, new research findings, and topical articles. Read past newsletters or subscribe to receive it online.
State School Safety Centers
Find your state’s school safety center for information on state-level school safety and security trainings, tools, and technical assistance.
Be Safe and Sound in School Evaluation Report
This evaluation of the program includes a description and brief history of the project, study methodology, and profiles of each participant site.