Help Stop Crime

No one wants to feel unsafe in the place they call home. In communities with high violent crime, it is easy for the community to feel they can’t do anything about it. That is why NCPC has launched the Reducing Violent Crime Through Community Participation campaign. Continue reading to see what you can do to get started today.

5 things you can do

Getting started is hard. We took the guesswork out. Click each tip for more information.

Involve community members from the beginning, ensuring you have those with the power to implement a change.

Set a clear goal that is specific to your community (Ex: commit to stopping violence by organizing more community events).

Begin to build trust, empathy, transparency, and accountability between community members and law enforcement.

Learn the history of racial tensions in your community; looking to the past always informs the present.

Make the commitment to continuously improve your community and share what you learned with McGruff.