Don’t Get Burned By Fakes
Fake products can have dangerous ingredients and inferior components. When you buy real, you support the brands that invest in innovation and superior performance. Real products are tested for safety.

You’re Smart. Buy Smart.
Don’t fall for fake products. Buy the brand and keep it real.
The USPTO and NCPC are working together to raise public awareness about the importance of intellectual property and to decrease demand for counterfeit goods in the United States. This public education campaign is aimed at tweens and teens and will tie in the intellectual property community and law enforcement. This Campaign will increase the desire to buy genuine goods, raise awareness of the damage caused by counterfeits, change attitudes and change counterfeit buying behaviors by educating young consumers on how to identify and avoid counterfeit goods. We want all consumers to develop – particularly while young – a desire to make smart buying decisions and buy legitimate goods.
The problem with fakes
Counterfeits aren’t generic brands. They’re cheap imitations of brands we trust. In addition to funding criminal enterprises, counterfeit scams drain the economy, cost Americans real jobs, hurt businesses, and dupe consumers. As if that weren’t enough, certain fakes, such as faulty electronics, cause over 70 deaths and 350,000 serious injuries every year. …So why risk it? #GoForReal and buy from brands you trust.
Don’t be a Victim or Support Criminals
International organized criminals are turning to counterfeiting to fund their other illegal activities like gun and gang violence, child labor, and human trafficking. The more you know, the less likely you are to support these criminals or get hurt by fake goods.
Why do shoppers buy fake?
Most people want to find the best deal shopping, especially when they can easily compare prices online. Little do they know, they could end up paying twice because of shoddy goods. They could even pay with their lives in the case of electrical fires if what they bought is counterfeit. Sanctioned brands are indicators of quality and reliability. When you buy real, you support the brands that invest in research and development to make quality goods. You might just save your own life.
Fakes cause real harm
From catching fire to causing skin rashes, fake products can cause real harm. Find out what kind of dangers YOU could face if you buy counterfeits like the ones below.