You can’t have public safety without public participation. Join the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and gain access to free educational materials and timely resources to enhance community engagement efforts.

Gun Safety

Gun Safety Educational Toolkit

This free teaching kit is designed to assist you in making McGruff’s gun safety lesson part of your class plans. The kit includes suggestions for introducing the topic of gun safety, along with discussion prompts to help focus student attention on the key messages of the videos and to reinforce learning through positive dialogue.


Illicit-Fentanyl Educational Toolkit

Taking medication that isn’t prescribed to you by a doctor and dispensed by a licensed pharmacy is gambling with your life. The following activities are designed to empower young people to “think again” before buying and/or taking pills acquired from anyone outside of a licensed provider.


Go For Real™ Educational Toolkit

Go For Real™ teaches students how to make smart buying decisions early on as they become more independent. Purchasing counterfeit products could risk their health and the well-being of those around them. Many fake products contain toxic ingredients, and fake electronics can contain faulty wiring, leading to injuries and even death. Use these educational resources to show students the risks that come with purchasing counterfeits and how to spot a fake online.

Build your own McGruff® Program

Visit Robotronics to purchase a McGruff suit that can be used in your community and schools to Take A Bite Out Of Crime®.

Education should be fun! Supplement upcoming community events with any of these popular items:

View our full McGruff catalog.

Download the 10 Steps to School Safety poster and hang it up around your precinct and offices.

Visit for free handouts related to counterfeits and safety both online and in your community.

If you have any questions, or need more information, contact a member of the NCPC team at