Law enforcement agencies are working hard to keep communities safe, but they can’t do it alone. Join the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and gain access to free educational materials and timely resources to enhance community engagement efforts. The program connects departments from across the country to share information, stories, and effective crime prevention strategies.

Gun Safety

Gun Safety Educational Toolkit

This free teaching kit is designed to assist you in making McGruff’s gun safety lesson part of your class plans. The kit includes suggestions for introducing the topic of gun safety, along with discussion prompts to help focus student attention on the key messages of the videos and to reinforce learning through positive dialogue.

Download Gun Safety Educational Toolkit
Gun Safety Poster
Check out McGruff The Crime Dog's gun safety pledge that helps prevent violent crime. Read McGruff's four steps of gun safety.
Gun Safety Pledge
Molly's Mischief quiz that reiterates McGruff The Crime Dog's four steps of gun safety. Take the quiz & promote community safety.
Molly’s Mischief
Quiz about gun safety that encompasses McGruff The Crime Dog's 4 steps of gun safety. Join NCPC & the NSSF in helping students.
Not cool, Kyle


Illicit-Fentanyl Educational Toolkit

Taking medication that isn’t prescribed to you by a doctor and dispensed by a licensed pharmacy is gambling with your life. The following activities are designed to empower young people to “think again” before buying and/or taking pills acquired from anyone outside of a licensed provider.

Download Illicit-Fentanyl Educational Toolkit
NCPC infographic featuring McGruff The Crime Dog warning about the dangers of fake pills containing lethal doses of fentanyl.
Fentanyl Poster
Play Think Again Game
View the Fentanyl Digital Remembrance Quilt


Go For Real™ Educational Toolkit

Go For Real™ teaches students how to make smart buying decisions early on as they become more independent. Purchasing counterfeit products could risk their health and the well-being of those around them. Many fake products contain toxic ingredients, and fake electronics can contain faulty wiring, leading to injuries and even death. Use these educational resources to show students the risks that come with purchasing counterfeits and how to spot a fake online.

Download Educational Toolkit
McGruff The Crime Dog infographic warning about risks associated with counterfeit products. Join NCPC in flagging dupes.
Counterfeit Poster
Become a Dupe Detective Game
Go For Real™ Trivia Game
Dupe Detector Game

Home Safety

Read home safety tips presented by McGruff The Crime Dog. Support crime prevention initiatives by NCPC.
Home Safety Checklist
Read travel safety tips courtesy of NCPC & McGruff The Crime Dog. Learn travel tips that will keep you safe.
Travel Safety