NCPC: Protecting Intellectual Property

Just about anything can be pirated (movies, software, music) – or counterfeited (cell phones, cameras, handbags, jewelry, perfume) – even prescriptions, wine, and baby formula.

Counterfeiters are getting better and better at what they do. Thanks to today’s technology, they’re able to make products that aren’t just lookalikes, but near-identical copies of the authentic product.

NCPC is dedicated to protecting consumers, communities and those individuals and companies who invest time, effort, research and development dollars, and creativity into American products. Throughout the years, we have created PSAs and valuable resources to educate the public about the importance of intellectual property, the dangers of counterfeit and pirated products that can make you sick or introduce malware into your computers, and the importance of Buying Smart.

Most Recent Campaign

The United States Patent and Trademark Office and the National Crime Prevention Council are working together to raise public awareness about the importance of intellectual property and to decrease demand for counterfeit goods in the United States.

This public education campaign is aimed at tweens and teens increases the desire to buy genuine goods, raise awareness of the damage caused by counterfeits, change attitudes and change counterfeit buying behaviors.

What can you do?

Report any suspected intellectual property theft to your local law enforcement or

Additionally, below are some resources from past campaigns that you can use in your community:


Canon – Birthday

Get Real Campaign – Roll Call Videos

Get Real Campaign – Roll Call Videos

Get Real Campaign – Roll Call Videos

Digital Collateral